

let's just talk about this for a minute....
jersey shore. a bunch of people who present themselves as shallow, narrow-minded, self absorbed, uneducated and, well, yes, entertaining.
i mean, i watch because i am dumbfounded by their stupidity. curious about the psychological problems they must have to always end up in fist fights. and truly confused when they talk about "keeping things classy" while naked in a jacuzzi and toasting eachother with "Ron Juice" in red plastic party cups.
and yet they have achieved a level of fame where a photo of Snooki (who on the premiere episode of season 2 referred to washing clothes in a sink as being "like a frickin pioneer from the 1920's") is placed next to a frickin photo of Dame Elizabeth Taylor on Style.com.

i don't know what else to frickin say.

shack attack

this look really perfect right now.....

I know a life of crime has led me to this sorry fate, and yet, I blame society. Society made me what I am.

Otto: "That's bullshit. You're a white suburban punk just like me."
Duke: "Yeah, but it still hurts."


for realz

AMBUSH rulez

if anyone has an extra $300 laying around, i would really love you to buy me this ring



natalie portman in darren aronofsky’s Black Swan

take me to the never never zone

this video rulez.
jeff the brotherhood rulez.


Bura Shoe

All Saints continues to rock my world


there was a party & a full moon

and an annoying guy who jumped into this pic of my boyfriends